In this chapter, we will learn about Child to Parent Communication in Lightning Web Component.
Topics Covered:
- What are Events
- Difference between events in Aura vs LWC
- Create Event
- Dispatch Event
- Attach an Event Listener declaratively and programmatically (Focus of this chapter is how to attach event Listener declaratively)
- Handle the event
- Use Case
Let’s get started …
What are Events?
Events are actions that happen in the system we are programming — the system produces a signal when an event occurs, and provides a mechanism by which action can be automatically taken when the event occurs.
For example in an airport when the runway is clear for a plane to take off, a signal is communicated to the pilot, and as a result, they commence piloting the plane.
Passing Data Up: Child to Parent Communication
Data must be passed up using Events. Events are just standard JavaScript events that we fire from the child component and listen into the parent.
Note: To communicate down the component containment hierarchy, we can pass properties to the child via HTML attributes, or public methods. To communicate down the component hierarchy we don’t need events.
To communicate between two different components that do not have any direct relation, we use publish-subscribe utility.
Difference between event in Aura VS LWC
Unlike component or application events in Aura , LWC uses Standard DOM events.
In Aura component, we need to create a separate event file and need to register the event, where event is fired.
Moreover, to handle the event, a handler is needed in component hierarchy. In LWC, registering of event is not required.
Step 1: Create an Event
Create Event : We can use the customEvent() constructor to create an event. In constructor we need to pass custom event name and detail of the event. The only difference between event and customEvent() is that the CustomEvent class will allow us to store information in its detail property and thus transmit that information to the listeners of the event.
The customEvent constructor has one required parameter, which is a string indicating the event name. As a component author, we can name the event when we create the event. We can use any string as our event name.
However, recommendation is to follow DOM event standard.
- No uppercase letters
- No spaces
- Use underscores to separate words
Don’t prefix event name with the string on.
new customEvent(eventName, props);
So why do we need Custom events ?
To communicate up the component hierarchy.
From LWC documentation –
WARNING : The CustomEvent interface imposes no type requirements or structure on the detail property. However it’s important to send only primitive data. JavaScript passes all data types by reference except for primitives. If a component includes an object in its detail property, any listener can mutate that object without the component’s knowledge. This is a bad thing! It’s a best practice either to send only primitives, or to copy data to a new object before adding it to the detail property. Copying the data to a new object ensures that you’re sending only the data you want, and that the receiver can’t mutate your data.
Step 2: Dispatch an Event
Then, we can make an event target dispatch the created event invoking the dispatchEvent standard method.
this.dispatchEvent(new customEvent(eventName, props);
Step 3 Handle an Event :
There are two ways to listen to an event.
- Declaratively from the component’s HTML template
- Programmatically using an imperative JavaScript API
It’s better to listen from the HTML template since it reduces the amount of code we need to write. To handle events, define methods in the component’s JavaScript class
Attach an Event Listener Declaratively
<template> <c-child-component oneventName={listenerHandler}></c-child-component > </template>
Define the handler function listenerHandler, JavaScript file.
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc'; export default class Parent extends LightningElement { listenerHandler(){ // Code runs when event is received } }
Attach an Event Listener Programmatically
we will discuss in detail in next chapter
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc'; export default class Parent extends LightningElement { constructor() { super(); this.template.addEventListener('listenerHandler', this.handleListener); } handleListener = () => {}; }
Use Case
This is an example of how to create and fire an event declaratively:
<template> <div class="slds-m-around_medium"> <!-- Create child component component from where we will raise a event--> <lightning-input label="Enter Name" onchange={handleChange}> </lightning-input> </div> </template>
Step1 – Create event- new customEvent(eventName, props);
Step 2 – dispatch event- this.dispatchEvent(new customEvent(eventName, props);
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc'; export default class child extends LightningElement { handleChange(event) { const name =; const selectEvent = new CustomEvent('myfirstcustomevent', { detail: name }); this.dispatchEvent(selectEvent); } }
Step 3: Declare the listener in html of parent component – Declarative via html markup- We need to add prefix as “on” before the custom event name.
in parent component we need to invoke the event listener as handleCustomEvent using onmycustomevent attribute.
<template> <lightning-card title="Child Component"> <div class="slds-m-around_medium"> <c-child onmyfirstcustomevent={handleCustomEvent}></c-child> Value From Child : {greeting} </div> </lightning-card> </template>
Step 4: Handle the event – Define the handler function handleCustomEvent in JavaScript file.
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc'; export default class app extends LightningElement { greeting; handleCustomEvent(event) { this.greeting = event.detail; } }
I hope you enjoyed this chapter !
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Difference between window and this
Thank for making this article. It really help me to understand better about the events.
Very well explained