Introduction to Salesforce


Salesforce a cloud base technology. It is a cloud base no.1 CRM(Customer Relationship Management). It is software as a service(SaaS), which is provided by is cloud base platform where we can develop cloud-based application and website.  

It provides a platform(PaaS) to develop our website, application, and software. And Salesforce is one of the software which is provided by You can build your software on it. Salesforce is common software which is developed by, and it has a huge requirement in the market. Before further discussion of Salesforce and take a look about cloud computing or what is cloud base technology.


Cloud computing is a modern technology of computer system. The purpose of this technology is you can get your data anytime and anywhere. You need an internet connection. You can access your data through mobile, laptop, tab, etc. It makes services easy, fast and effective.

In cloud computing, your data store on the cloud. There are four things which are mandatory for cloud computing.

  1. Hardware(Laptop, Pc, Mobile).
  2. Internet connection
  3. Server
  4. Database

Database :-

Our data store in the database in the form of a table(row and column).

Server :-

A server is work as a mediator between your hardware and database. It takes a request from you and finds data accordingly to your query in the database. And return with data to you if data available otherwise it comes with status.

Internet :-

It provides a connection to the whole process. All elements connected by a network called the internet.  

  • Services provided by cloud computing
  1. Platform as a service
  2. Software as a service
  3. Infrastructure as a service

Platform as a Service(PaaS) is a service which is provided by cloud computing. It is a platform where we can develop software, application according to our requirements.


Software as a Service(SaaS) is a software. We can use it and add more functionality.

E.g.:- Salesforce, Gmail, Facebook, DropBox, Google Drive, etc.

Hope you now familiar with cloud computing. Now we will discuss more about Salesforce.


As we discussed earlier, salesforce is cloud base no.1 CRM(Customer Relationship Management) technology, which is used as like center bones of business. For any business, the customer is the most important entity. And all business try to provide the best service to their customers. So, salesforce help to tracks every activity of customer and provides best services accordingly. It helps to filter the customer on the basis of some criteria. It is multi-talent technology. Where multiple salesforce users store their data on the same cloud but in their own space. Salesforce is very secure and trusted technology. As like your Gmail and Facebook accounts. There is some authentication required to access the data. Yes, we have login id and password to get our space. And same we can develop functionality as per requirements.

There are two parts of Salesforce:-

  1. Admin
  2. Developments

Admin is a functionality of software which is already developed. In admin, we can create some conditional basis automation.

E.g.:- Send mail to the manager when customer purchase amount is more than 1L.

         Update customer categories according to products and a lot of things.

Development  is a programming part in salesforce. We have created extra functionality which is not given by salesforce. In development, We have basically work on two programming language Visualforce(Similar to HTML) and Apex(Similar to Java). Some supportive language is also used in salesforce like javaScript, CSS, etc.

Salesforce come up with two modes :-

  1. Lightning
  2. Classic

Lightning is a modern mode of salesforce. It is come-up with a lot of other elements like lightning components, and now web components are also coming soon. Lightning is a mobile-friendly mode. Salesforce has there own app to run salesforce which is known as Salesforce 1. Lightning is introduced to make salesforce much secure and smoothly run on mobile.

Classic is an ordinary mode of salesforce, which is less mobile friendly and less secure and less functionality than lightning.

Hope you get the idea about salesforce. This is my first blog and future we will discuss more about Salesforce and understand how we use it and how we can develop software on it.

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