Salesforce CPQ: Selection Product Rule with Domino’s Pizza Hands-On Workbook

A Selection Product Rule in Salesforce CPQ is a way to make the process of picking and setting up products easier. It allows you to set up rules that automatically do things like add or remove products, or show or hide options, based on what a customer selects. So, if a customer makes a certain choice, the system will automatically take the right action to help configure their order correctly.

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Imagine you’re ordering a Domino’s pizza online, and there’s a combo deal that includes a pizza, a drink, and a dessert. You have the following choices:

Domino's Pizza South

  1. Pizza Size: Small, Medium, Large
  2. Drink Options: Soda, Juice, Water
  3. Dessert Options: Brownie, Ice Cream

Here’s how a Selection Product Rule can help:

If a customer selects a Large Pizza, the rule can automatically:

  • Add a drink option (soda).
  • Hide the water
  • Show and add a dessert (brownie)

Now Let’s do the use case

Setup Selection Product Rule in Salesforce CPQ for a Domino’s Pizza Combo

Step 1: Create the Bundle Product

1. Go to Salesforce CPQ and navigate to the Products tab.

2. Click on New to create a new product.

Product Name: Domino’s Pizza Combo

Product Family: Dominos

Configuration Type: Allowed

Configuration Event: Always

Active: Checked

  1. Click Save.

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Similarly Create Products for

  • Soda
  • Juice
  • Water
  • Brownie
  • Ice Cream

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Step 2a: Create Product Features

Navigate to the Related Tab on the Domino’s Pizza Combo product page.

Click New under Product Features to create a new feature.

Feature Name: Drink

Min Options: 0 (Requires at least one drink to be selected)

Max Options: 0 (Only one drink can be chosen)

Number: 10

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Feature Name: Dessert

Min Options: 0 (No dessert is required by default)

Max Options: 0 (Only one dessert can be chosen)

Number: 20

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Step 2b: Add Product Options

1. Go to the Related tab on the Pizza Combo product page.

2. Click New under Product Options to add options for the combo.

Option Name: Soda

Optional SKU: Soda

Quantity: 1

Optional Checkbox: Checked

Repeat for: Juice, Water, Brownie, Ice Cream.

Feature: Assign to the corresponding feature

Assign Soda, Juice, Water to the Drink feature.

Assign Brownie, Ice Cream to the Dessert feature.

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Step 3: Create a Configuration Attribute

1. Go to Related and click on New under Configuration Attributes.

Attribute Name: Pizza Size

Target Field: Custom Field (Pizza_Size__c)

Position: Top

Apply to Product Options: True

2. Save the configuration attribute.

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Step 4: Create a Custom Field for Product Options

1. Go to Object Manager > Product Option > Fields & Relationships > New Field.

Field Type: Picklist

Field Label: Pizza_Size__c

Values: Small, Medium, Large

2. Repeat the above steps for the Quote Line Object to create a twin field.

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Step 5: Create a Selection Product Rule

1. Go to Product Rules and click New.

Product Rule Name: Large Pizza Rule

Type: Selection

Scope: Product

Evaluation Event: Always

Active: True

Save the product rule.

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Step 6: Add Error Conditions for Product Rule

1. Go to the Related tab and click New under Error Conditions.

Index: 10

Tested Object: Configuration Attribute

Tested Field: Pizza_Size__c (Twin Field created earlier)

Operator: Equals

Filter Type: Value

Filter Value: Large

2. Save the error condition.

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Step 7: Add Actions for Product Rule

1. Click New under Error Actions.

Type: Add

Required: True

Product: Soda

Filter Field: Pizza_Size__c (Product Option Object Field)

Operator: Equals

Filter Value: Large

2. Click Save.

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3. Repeat Steps for Additional Actions:

Type: Hide

Required: True

Product: Water

Filter Field: Size__c (Product Object Field)

Operator: Equals

Filter Value: Large

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Type: Show and Add

Required: True

Product: Brownie

Filter Field: Size__c

Operator: Equals

Filter Value: Large

  1. Save all error actions.

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Step 8: Link the Product Rule to the Configuration Rule

1. Go to the Product Rules Tab and find the newly created product rule.

2. Click New under Configuration Rules:

  • Product: Domino’s Pizza Combo
  • Product Rule: Large Pizza Rule

3.Save the configuration rule.

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Step 9: Test the Selection Product Rule

1. Go to the Quotes tab and create a new quote.

2. Click Edit Lines and add the Pizza Combo product.

3. Select Large from the Pizza Size attribute dropdown.

4. Verify:

The Soda is automatically added.

Water options are hidden.

brownie is shown and added.

Use Case: For the T-Mobile International Plan Bundle, we want to display only the relevant addons based on the Region selected by the customer. If Europe is chosen, only products related to European calling should be visible. If Asia or Americas is selected, only the relevant products for those regions should appear.

Step-by-step Workbook to Configure the Bundle and Selection Product Rule:

Step 1: Create a New Bundle Product

1. Go to the Product Object in Salesforce.

2. Click on New Product and enter the following details:

Product Name: T-Mobile International Calling

Product Code: TMI001

Active: Check this box.

3. Save the new product.

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Step 2: Create Child Products

Create several child products that will be included in the bundle:

1. T-Mobile Europe Calling Plan

Product Code: TMEC001

Active: Check this box.

Region: Create a custom field (picklist) called Region on the Product object with values Europe, Asia, America and set this value to Europe.

Save the product.

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2. T-Mobile Asia Calling Plan

Product Code: TMAC001

Active: Check this box.

Product Family: Select International Plans.

Region: Set this value to Asia.

Save the product.

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3. T-Mobile America Calling Plan

Product Code: TMAAC001

Active: Check this box.

Product Family: Select International Plans.

Region: Set this value to America.

Save the product.

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Step 3: Add Child Products to the Bundle

1. Go to the Bundle Product: Open the T-Mobile International Calling.

2. Click on the Related Tab and find the Product Options section.

3. Click New to add each child product:

Option Name: T-Mobile Europe Calling Plan

Save the option and repeat for the Asia and America calling plans.

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Step 4: Create a Configuration Attribute

1. Go to the Bundle Product: Open the T-Mobile International Calling.

2. Click on the Related Tab and find the Configuration Attributes section.

3. Click New to add a configuration attribute:

Attribute Name: Region

Target Field: Region__c (custom field created on Product Option)

Position: Top

Apply to Product Option: Check this box.

4. Save the configuration attribute.

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Step 5: Create the Selection Product Rule

1. Go to the Product Rules Tab and Click New to create a new product rule:

Product Rule Name: Regional Calling Plan Selector

Type: Selection

Scope: Product

Evaluation Event: Always

Active: Check this box.

Conditions Met: All

2. Save the product rule.

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Step 6: Add Error Conditions for the Rule

1. Scroll to the Error Conditions Section or Click on the Related Tab.

2. Click New to create the first error condition:

Tested Object: Configuration Attribute

Tested Field: Region__c

Operator: equals

Filter Type: Value

Filter Value: Europe

Index: 1

3. Save the error condition.

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Step 7: Add Error Actions

1. Scroll to the Error Actions Section or Click on the Related Tab.

2. Click New to create the first error action:

Type: Add

Required: True

Product: T-Mobile Europe Calling Plan

Filter Field: Region__c

Operator: equals

Filter Value: Europe

3. Save the error action.

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4. Create another error action to hide and remove:

Type: Hide & Remove

Required: True

Filter Field: Region__c

Operator: not equals

Filter Value: Europe

5.Save the error action.

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Step 8: Link the Product Rule to the Configuration Rule

1. Go to the Product Rules Tab and find the newly created product rule.

2. Click New under Configuration Rules:

  • Product: T-Mobile International Plan Bundle
  • Product Rule: Regional Calling Plan Selector

3.Save the configuration rule.

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Step 9: Test the Configuration

1. Create a New Quote.

2. Click on Edit Lines and add the T-Mobile International Plan Bundle.

3. Select a Region using the configuration attribute (Europe).

4. Observe that only the products related to the selected region (Europe) are visible, and others are hidden.

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