Trailhead Leaderboard for Newbies

Trailhead Leader board is created to encourage Salesforce Newbies to join the board and compete in healthy way. This say learning Salesforce is much more fun.

Video Explanation 

Step 1: Open the URL


Step 2: Go To the Join Board tab and click on it.

Step 3: Fill all the details, Make sure that your trailhead profile is public not private and hit sign Up/Sign In.

To Do this:

  • Go To trailhead and Login with your username
  • Go to trailhead profile and in the about me section check the profile visibility is set to Public.

Step 4: If your trailhead points are less than 30k, then You will see some form like this.

Update the Record.

Fill the details (optional).

Step 5: Click On the Trailblazer boards, you will see your name there on the board.

So what are you waiting for? Come on Join the board. Happy trailblazing.

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